
Penetration and Testing Tools


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Welcome to the Penetration and Testing Tools Training Course! 

This course is designed for those who are interested in learning about different methods of testing and evaluating security systems. This training course will provide an overview of the various tools used for penetration testing as well as their features, capabilities, and limitations. We will also discuss best practices for performing a successful penetration test on networks and applications. 

Topics covered by this course include: types of pen tests (i.e., black box, white box, gray box), threats related to vulnerable systems, techniques used by attackers to gain access to systems, techniques used by defenders to thwart attacks, common tools used in pen tests (such as Nmap and Metasploit), gathering evidence from victims’ machines using forensic tools like EnCase or Helix3 Pro, assessing risk associated with identified vulnerabilities, developing a secure coding practice through static analysis (linting) tools like PMD or Check style. Additionally, we will talk about setting up proper logging/monitoring solutions to ensure that any future breaches are detected quickly and effectively. By the end of this course, you should have a better understanding of how to evaluate the security posture of your own infrastructure as well as discover weaknesses which could be exploited by malicious actors. Every individual involved in designing or maintaining a system should understand these concepts to help mitigate risks associated with potential vulnerabilities. So, let us get started!


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