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Investigating the past descendants of enslaved Ghanaians in Diaspora


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It is said that history is made of those who forget it. But in ‘Investigating the Past Descendants of Enslaved Ghanaians in Diaspora,’ author  Alexander Afriyie (Alexander A.) delves deep into the lasting effects of slavery on present-day descendants of enslaved Ghanaians. Through his research, he retraces the steps that led to the enslavement of millions and traces their legacies to current generations struggling with an inescapable past.

Alexander Afriyie shines light on a difficult subject by exploring how traumatic experiences can be passed down through generations and revisiting stories from survivors, descendants, and former slaves alike. He also uncovers how modern attitudes towards race persist despite a century’s worth progress and exposes readers to realities immigrants face when they come to America in search of a better life for themselves and their families.

Throughout this book, readers will gain invaluable insights into the way forgotten histories permeate our lives today; they will be encouraged to examine more closely what it means today to be descended from a people whose freedom was taken away centuries ago; and challenged to rethink the ways in which we view immigration, racism, identity, education, health care access and economic opportunities for all African Americans no matter where they happen to live or come from. Join Alexander Afriyie as he pulls at threads from a painful past that has shaped our present day reality with ‘Investigating The Past Descendants Of Enslaved Ghanaians in Diaspora.’

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It is said that history is made of those who forget it. But in ‘Investigating the Past Descendants of Enslaved Ghanaians in Diaspora,’ author  Alexander Afriyie (Alexander A.) delves deep into the lasting effects of slavery on present-day descendants of enslaved Ghanaians. Through his research, he retraces the steps that led to the enslavement of millions and traces their legacies to current generations struggling with an inescapable past.

Alexander Afriyie shines light on a difficult subject by exploring how traumatic experiences can be passed down through generations and revisiting stories from survivors, descendants, and former slaves alike. He also uncovers how modern attitudes towards race persist despite a century’s worth progress and exposes readers to realities immigrants face when they come to America in search of a better life for themselves and their families.

Throughout this book, readers will gain invaluable insights into the way forgotten histories permeate our lives today; they will be encouraged to examine more closely what it means today to be descended from a people whose freedom was taken away centuries ago; and challenged to rethink the ways in which we view immigration, racism, identity, education, health care access and economic opportunities for all African Americans no matter where they happen to live or come from. Join Alexander Afriyie as he pulls at threads from a painful past that has shaped our present day reality with ‘Investigating The Past Descendants Of Enslaved Ghanaians in Diaspora.’



  1. Investigate and document the complex history of African slavery in Ghana.
  2. Comprehensive overview of all extant records related to enslaved persons from Ghana.
  3. Identify and track down descendants of enslaved persons living in contemporary Ghana.
  4. Create an accessible record of the social, cultural, and economic conditions experienced by these descendants today.
  5. Incorporate insight into ways in which ancestry can be used as a source of strength, resilience, and pride for individuals descended from those who were once enslaved in Ghanaian history.


Table of Content

Chapter 1: Introduction to Retracting the Past Descendants of Enslaved Ghanaians

– History Lesson: African Slavery and Transatlantic Slave Trade

– Investigate and document the complex history of slavery in Ghana

– The role of Africa in the transatlantic slave trade

– Historical context of slavery in Ghana

– overview of all extant records related to enslaved persons from Ghana.

– Impact of enslaved Africans on world development

– Cultural Legacy of Slavery in Ghana

– The locations where Ghana slaves were sent to

– Exploring the influence of enslaved ancestors on daily life in modern Ghana

-Narratives, rituals, and customs that reflect the history, culture, and identity of slaves

-Create an accessible record of the social, cultural, and economic conditions experienced by these descendants today.

-Ways in which ancestry can be used as a source of strength, resilience, and pride for individuals descended from those who were once enslaved in Ghanaian history

– Understanding how contemporary issues such as racism, colonization, health disparities and poverty are linked to slavery

– Reconstructing Family Histories

-Lasting effects of slavery on present-day descendants of enslaved Ghanaians

-The locations of descendants from Ghana whose freedom was taken away centuries ago

-Challenged to rethink the ways in which we view immigration, racism, identity, education, health care access and economic opportunities for all African Americans


Chapter 2: Retracting the Past Descendants of Enslaved Ghanaians

– Introduction to Retracting the Past Descendants of Enslaved Ghanaians

– Understanding the experience of enslaved people from Ghana

-Retraces the steps that led to the enslavement of millions Ghanaian

-Retraces past slaves’ legacies to current generations struggling with an inescapable past

-Traumatic experiences that past slaves from Ghana passed down through generations

-revisiting stories from slave survivors, descendants, and former slaves alike

-Atrocities created by Europeans during slave trade in Ghana

-Inhuman treatment meted out to slaves from Ghana

– Identification and Recognition of Enslavement

– Investigate relevant historical documentation

– Uncovering stories in oral interviews/testimonies

– Understanding how enslavement has affected generations

– Examining current challenges facing those descended from enslaved people from Ghana

– Encouragement and Engagement: Supporting descendants of enslavement today –

– Identifying contributions to today’s society by individuals descended from enslaved ancestors

– Investigating opportunities for community involvement

– Developing strategies for collaboration with families and communities

– Motivating civic engagement among descendants

– How education can be used to recognize, honour, remember, and preserve history


Chapter  3. Identifying and Locating Descendants of Enslaved Ghanaians

– History of Ghanaian Slavery

– Impact on Contemporary Societal Issues

– Identifying and Locating Descendants of Enslaved Ghanaians

– Research Basics, Sources & Resources

– Understanding Genealogy Records & Technology Tools

-Utilizing Data for Ancestral Reconciliation Projects

– Building Community Connections with Descendants

– How modern attitudes towards race persist despite a century’s worth progress

-Exposes readers to realities immigrants face when they come to America in search of a better life for themselves and their families.

-What it means today to be descended from a people whose freedom was taken away centuries ago


Chapter 4. Establishing Connections with Ghanaian Heritage Organizations

– Overview of Leaders in Ghanaian Heritage Preservation

– Introduction to Heritage Preservation Organizations in Ghana

-Historical Preservation Societies in Ghana

-Reuniting Distant Relatives in Africa & Abroad

– Understanding Cultural Beliefs and Practices Relevant to Heritage Preservation

– Examining Traditional Roles of Community Leaders within Local Contexts

– Understanding the Process for Establishing Connections with Ghanaian Heritage Organizations

-Developing Strategies for Identifying Potential Partnerships and Collaborations


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