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Artificial Intelligence (AI) Product Management


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Introduction to AI Product Management

Welcome! We are excited to begin your journey into the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Product Management. This book will equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully launch, manage, and scale AI-based products and initiatives.

Throughout this book, we will explore concepts such as product design, market assessment, customer segmentation, pricing & monetization strategies, user experience design and optimization techniques. Additionally, we’ll discuss the implications of ethics in AI-driven solutions as well as best practices for managing data at scale.

The book consists of a combination of lectures, real-life cases studies & hands-on assignments which will allow you to apply your newly gained knowledge in a practical context. By the end of this book you will have developed an understanding of how to think creatively about using AI technology to solve complex problems and deliver superior product outcomes.

We look forward to helping you become an expert AI Product Manager!



This book is designed to provide a comprehensive and practical introduction to AI product management, teaching students the strategies and techniques needed to succeed in this dynamic field.





Book Outline:

Module 1. Introduction to AI Product Management

  1. Understanding the fundamentals of AI product management
  2. Exploring key trends in artificial intelligence and exploring the opportunities for product managers
  3. Utilizing digital tools for managing an artificial intelligence-focused product strategy
  4. Networking with industry experts


Module 2. Design Thinking for AI Products

  1. Exploring how user experience design applies to developing products powered by AI technologies
  2. Understanding key design principles for creating engaging customer experiences with artificial intelligence-powered products


 Module 3. Managing Artificial Intelligence-Powered Projects

  1. Analysing goals, resources, and timelines required for successful project execution B. Creating processes that optimize team collaboration while keeping projects on track
  2. Monitoring progress metrics and adjusting plans as needed throughout the life cycle of an AI project


 Module 4. Utilizing Market Research Strategies for Artificial Intelligence Products

  1. Finding target markets and likely client segments for artificial intelligence products
  2. Gathering feedback from stakeholders through surveys, interviews, and focus groups C. Implementing data analysis best practices to identify market opportunities related to artificial intelligence technology
  3. Making clear value plans based on insights gathered using market research methods


Module 5. Assembling a Team to Develop Artificial Intelligence Applications   

  1. Proactively building a top-notch team from internal resources or outside talent pools
  2. Crafting job descriptions that attract skilled professionals with the right skillsets
  3. Setting up onboarding processes that ensure new hires receive training about company culture and mission objectives
  4. Building trustful relationships between teams so they can collaborate effectively on complex projects involving AI technologies


Module 6. Collaborating With Vendors and Partners for Project Success      

  1. Establishing criteria for selecting third party vendors who specialize in developing applications powered by AI technologies
  2. Negotiating agreements that secure desired levels of performance without compromising quality
  3. Developing partnerships with outside organizations such as universities or research institutions in order to make use of specialized data sets or advanced algorithms D. Making sure vendor contracts protect intellectual property rights while also enabling innovation within organizational boundaries.


Module 7: Final exams

Introduction to AI Product Management

Welcome! We are excited to begin your journey into the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Product Management. This book will equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully launch, manage, and scale AI-based products and initiatives.

Throughout this book, we will explore concepts such as product design, market assessment, customer segmentation, pricing & monetization strategies, user experience design and optimization techniques. Additionally, we’ll discuss the implications of ethics in AI-driven solutions as well as best practices for managing data at scale.

The book consists of a combination of lectures, real-life cases studies & hands-on assignments which will allow you to apply your newly gained knowledge in a practical context. By the end of this book you will have developed an understanding of how to think creatively about using AI technology to solve complex problems and deliver superior product outcomes.

We look forward to helping you become an expert AI Product Manager!



This book is designed to provide a comprehensive and practical introduction to AI product management, teaching students the strategies and techniques needed to succeed in this dynamic field.


B0ok Outline:

Module 1. Introduction to AI Product Management

  1. Understanding the fundamentals of AI product management
  2. Exploring key trends in artificial intelligence and exploring the opportunities for product managers
  3. Utilizing digital tools for managing an artificial intelligence-focused product strategy
  4. Networking with industry experts


Module 2. Design Thinking for AI Products

  1. Exploring how user experience design applies to developing products powered by AI technologies
  2. Understanding key design principles for creating engaging customer experiences with artificial intelligence-powered products


 Module 3. Managing Artificial Intelligence-Powered Projects

  1. Analysing goals, resources, and timelines required for successful project execution B. Creating processes that optimize team collaboration while keeping projects on track
  2. Monitoring progress metrics and adjusting plans as needed throughout the life cycle of an AI project


 Module 4. Utilizing Market Research Strategies for Artificial Intelligence Products

  1. Finding target markets and likely client segments for artificial intelligence products
  2. Gathering feedback from stakeholders through surveys, interviews, and focus groups C. Implementing data analysis best practices to identify market opportunities related to artificial intelligence technology
  3. Making clear value plans based on insights gathered using market research methods


Module 5. Assembling a Team to Develop Artificial Intelligence Applications   

  1. Proactively building a top-notch team from internal resources or outside talent pools
  2. Crafting job descriptions that attract skilled professionals with the right skillsets
  3. Setting up onboarding processes that ensure new hires receive training about company culture and mission objectives
  4. Building trustful relationships between teams so they can collaborate effectively on complex projects involving AI technologies


Module 6. Collaborating With Vendors and Partners for Project Success      

  1. Establishing criteria for selecting third party vendors who specialize in developing applications powered by AI technologies
  2. Negotiating agreements that secure desired levels of performance without compromising quality
  3. Developing partnerships with outside organizations such as universities or research institutions in order to make use of specialized data sets or advanced algorithms D. Making sure vendor contracts protect intellectual property rights while also enabling innovation within organizational boundaries.


Module 7: Final exams


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