Artificial Intelligence Risk management


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This book will provide readers with the skills needed to identify, manage, and mitigate risks associated with AI-powered systems. The course will cover a wide range of topics from the fundamentals of AI risk management to specific strategies and tactics used in this field. Participants will gain an understanding of how to assess, analyze and monitor risks across different environments using various methods such as risk assessment tools, data analytics, process mapping and system testing.


This book will provide readers with the skills needed to identify, manage, and mitigate risks associated with AI-powered systems. The course will cover a wide range of topics from the fundamentals of AI risk management to specific strategies and tactics used in this field. Participants will gain an understanding of how to assess, analyze and monitor risks across different environments using various methods such as risk assessment tools, data analytics, process mapping and system testing.



By the end of the course, participants should be able to:

  1. Identify risks associated with AI-powered systems
  2. Analyze existing processes to mitigate those risks
  3. Implement risk management strategies for ensuring compliance with legal requirements
  4. Utilize many tools and techniques for tracking progress on managing AI-related risks


Table of Contents

Session 1 – Introduction to AI Risk Management

  • Overview of AI Safety & Risk Framework
  • Understanding decision points within an Artificial Intelligence system
  • Different approaches towards mitigating AI-related risks
  • Introduction to ethical considerations associated with developing & deploying Artificial Intelligence systems

 Session 2 – Data Collection & Analysis for Risk Assessment 

  • Developing data collection plans for accurate risk assessments
  • Exploring statistical methods for analyzing data gathered from various sources
  • Utilizing predictive analytics for anticipating potential vulnerabilities


 Session 3 – Developing Strategies for Managing Risks

  • Identifying key stakeholders involved in implementing effective risk management measures
  • Outlining key principles vital for designing effective organizational governance models
  • Inspecting existing processes related to overseeing artificial intelligence projects


 Session 4 – Ensuring Compliance Within Legal Frameworks              

  • Evaluating current regulations governing artificial intelligence operations
  • Establishing best practices related to enforcing compliance regulations
  • Conducting audits in order of ensure that procedures are being followed properly


 Session 5 – Evaluating Performance & Monitoring Progress       

  • Assessing performance metrics related to safety initiatives
  • Tracking progress on mitigating existing risks
  • Testing systems to identify any potential weak spots


Session 6- Test and certification


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